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Day 3—orthopedics, brain surgery and thoracic surgery

July 16, 2009

Today we both had a great day. Since Aaron is sleeping on the couch I decided to give you an update today. I spent most of the day doing and teaching echocardiograms. There is so much rheumatic heart disease here it is so sad. It was great to teach the residents here how to do a simple echocardiogram.

Aaron spent most of his day doing a whole smattering of surgery. Starting with some thoracic surgery yesterday, to being a carpenter with the orthopod and neurosurgeon today. He seems to be really enjoying his time here. He even volunteered to take call at the hospital tonight. Yes, they have a call schedule here as well.

Yesterday, we were walking back from the hospital and there was a rainbow. So we quickly snapped a few pictures. As we watched there was a second faint rainbow. God has made such a beautiful world amongst all the chaos.

Are we at the end or the start of the rainbow?

The Kenyans have been playing volleyball the last few nights. They seem to be acclimated to the altitude. As Aaron said yesterday, we are out of breath going up the small hill to the hospital in the morning. That being said the climate has been fantastic. The temperature has been in the 70’s during the day with almost no humidity and it cools down at night. We have been very comfortable in our small place withoutvolleyball compressed air conditioning.

Tomorrow, we leave for Safari and will most likely not have internet access. We will be back on Sunday. I have been told that the wildebeests are migrating so it should be a good time to be in Safari land. Apparently, Wildebeest can grow to 360-630 pounds.They are well known for their annual migration to new pastures and travel in vast numbers. Go figure the Montana girl and New Yorker going on Safari!

Wildebeest migration

Wildebeest migration

2 Comments leave one →
  1. judy permalink
    July 17, 2009 8:31 pm

    It’s so interesting to read your comments! I agree with KLM service; AMS airport is smoky, I highly recommend you bring some chocolates home! Safari is a great experience, especially when REALLY exhausted! Just leave the driving to others! You’ll soon think after eleventy million wildebeasts, a mild “ho hum”! But then remember the location and it’s awesome all over again! Enjoy all of the sights, smells, the people, take lots of pix w/o becoming a snack for a leopard! So glad you can be used by the Lord in Kenya! Typing and praying that you will be a blessing to all you encounter. Safe travels back home!

  2. April 3, 2010 7:57 am

    Great job on your blog.

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